Episode 20: The Second Ever All Quickies Episode!

2 guests! So many juicy quickies! Badass writer/comedian Emma Tattenbaum-Fine and sex ed superstar Francisco Ramirez (he’s back!!) join us to throw down about various and sundry things including: sexuality is not a luxury, making decisions based on love (not fear), sex tips from porn star Stoya, taking time to prioritize sex, facts versus feelings, pubic hair, why there are so few women in the film industry, UTIs and yeast infections, puppy play, enjoying sex in a non-traditionally sexual way, “The Sessions” with Helen Hunt, and more. Then we have a longer conversation about when to call shit out versus when to create onramps for dialogue about patriarchy and rape culture – we want YOUR thoughts on this, too. Plus, a special bonus interview segment with Charlie Williams, the founder/developer of the new Cuddlr app!


Listen to Episode 20.

Episode 19: How I Feel About What You Think About How I Feel About You

Somatic sexuality educator Dr. Charlie Glickman of MakeSexEasy.com (and co-author of “The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure”) joins us to discuss his super wise insights on relationships and the nuances of relationships to relationships. He shares some moving stories about helping clients move past sexual shame through hands-on coaching. We collectively address listener questions including: How can I fully express my masculinity without being a dick? When part of the turn-on is not talking about things, how do you establish boundaries? And how do you have a causal hook-up and also be sure you’re not hurting someone? The wide range of possibilities of pleasure in anal sex and the wide range of feelings and fears about anal pleasure. Being bold versus being aggressive. Stephanie and Charlie recommend awesome books about non-violent communication and asexuality, and Dave shares about how he was asked to formally object to yet another wedding. Plus, our first round of happy healthy (and these particular ones are super extra gorgeous) break-up stories. Our listeners are the sexiest AND the most beautiful, yo.

Listen to Episode 19.

Episode 18 – Hold On Tightly, Let Go Lightly, and also… Use Lube!

Spoiler alert: we are hugely in favor of lube. Avital Isaacs, burlesque performer and education coordinator for Babeland NYC, is our guest of honor. She shares about her journey in getting comfortable with her own body, her views about bachelorette parties, and how she taught her friends about the clitoris at age 11. Where is the line, in a relationship, where you should keep working on things, or recognize it is not working and move on? Should people break up more, in general? And does anybody really use lube every time they have sex? Is there something wrong with you if you are sometimes “not wet enough” or if certain sex positions actually hurt? How do you find people to date when you are queer, not totally out, and not good at being the initiator? Types of lube that are healthier for your body than others. Some technicalities of anal sex. New legislation on affirmative consent in California. Cheers to the film “The Obvious Child”. And because if can’t be said enough: lube, lube, and MORE LUBE!!

Listen to Episode 18

Episode 17 – “Be the Change You Want to See in the Bedroom”

The extraordinary sex/relationships geek Reid Mihalko (reidaboutsex.com) is our guest of honor this time! He throws down some great wisdom about how to “date your species”, how to discover what works for you and how best to communicate about what works for you, how to find your “win-wins” and your “dealbreakers”, how he thinks we should be looking at depth (not duration) to measure the value of a connection, and much much more. We address questions including: is polyamory a phase to be “grown out of”? How do you communicate that you are interested in someone sexually and still affirm that you are into them as a whole person? How do people with penises keep from coming too quickly when thrusting inside a partner? And what if your partner is not a “talking about things” sort of person?

Listen to episode 17