2 guests! So many juicy quickies! Badass writer/comedian Emma Tattenbaum-Fine and sex ed superstar Francisco Ramirez (he’s back!!) join us to throw down about various and sundry things including: sexuality is not a luxury, making decisions based on love (not fear), sex tips from porn star Stoya, taking time to prioritize sex, facts versus feelings, pubic hair, why there are so few women in the film industry, UTIs and yeast infections, puppy play, enjoying sex in a non-traditionally sexual way, “The Sessions” with Helen Hunt, and more. Then we have a longer conversation about when to call shit out versus when to create onramps for dialogue about patriarchy and rape culture – we want YOUR thoughts on this, too. Plus, a special bonus interview segment with Charlie Williams, the founder/developer of the new Cuddlr app!
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